There are 4 discussion questions. Answer each question thoroughly, and each answ

There are 4 discussion questions. Answer each question thoroughly, and each answer must be 75-100 words each.
Discussion 1,) How should Sharapova communicate with both her sponsors and fans to protect her brand and reputation? What should she say to each, and how can she ensure her messaging is aligned?
o Requirements: Threaded format; 75-150 words
Discussion 2.) What should Sharapova’s sponsors communicate to their customers? Should they cut ties with Sharapova? If so, should they part ways immediately or wait for the results of the investigation.
o Requirements: Threaded format; 75-150 words
Discussion 3.) Many are calling for Jay Z to walk away from his holiday partnership with Barneys. What, if anything, should Barneys do to entice the rapper to remain with the brand? If Barneys loses the contract, what remedial measures should the company take?
o Requirements: Threaded format; 75-150 words
Discussion 4.) Macy’s, a competitor within the department store industry, is facing similar racial profiling allegations. Should Barneys and Macy’s address the issue of racial profiling jointly? Why, or why not?
o Requirements: Threaded format; 75-150 words
Resource Inventory
Chapter 9 – Nonverbal Communication
• Case 9.2: Maria Sharapova: Banishment from the WTA Tour and loss of Sponsorship.
• Chapter 10 – Intercultural Communications
• Case 10.2: Barney’s New York: A Case of “Shop and Frisk.”
O’Rourke, J. S. (2019). Management communication: A case analysis approach. (6th ed.).
Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-367-17812-3

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