Please respond to discussion below: Before I go into if I believe executives are

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Before I go into if I believe executives are paid too much. I wanted to know if there was a definition for an executive of a company. A company executive is a person employed by the company at a Director-level or more senior position within three months immediately before the solicitation, hiring, recruitment, or inducement. When looking at executives, there is an abundance of positions that hold the executive title. Here are a few Chief Executive Officer(CEO), Chief Experience Officer(CXO), Chief Operation or Operations Officer(COO), and Chief Information Officer(CIO). These positions are called C-suite executives. These c-level or c-suite executive positions are considered top-rung corporate chiefs. When looking at a CEO, they are usually the top-ranking employee within their company. The person who holds this position is more than just someone of the mill employee. This person has considerable responsibility and influence with the organization. CEOs are the ones who are responsible for executing the company’s strategy, rationing capital, and building and supervising the executive team. Looking at the pay for executives here in San Diego, there is a significant gap between the lower level job pay and higher level job pay. The lowest salary in San Diego is $193,981.
In comparison, the highest salary is $295,003. The median salary is $241,273 in San Diego. While both require at least a bachelor’s degree, the higher-level executives tend to have more master’s and doctorate degrees, while the lower-level executives have more bachelor’s. So after looking at their job descriiption and education levels, the executive’s pay is right where it should be. They have the most to lose if things within the company fail. They also hold the most responsibility in the company.
Martocchio, J. J. (2018). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (10th ed.).
Peterdy, K. (2023, May 15). CEO (Chief executive officer). Corporate Finance Institute. Retrieved July 26, 2023, from
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