Feel free to do any product or service you are most comfortable with; I would ha

Feel free to do any product or service you are most comfortable with; I would have done a food or gaming product or service.
You are eager, motivated, and fired up to create your own business. Your objective is entering the market within the next 6 months with your new product and/or service. Oh btw… you have little money but great ambition and a new understanding of entrepreneurial spirit thanks to your instructor. 🙂
Answer these questions as part of your assignment:
1. What product/services are you envisioning to provide?
2. What type of entry strategy are you employing: pioneering new entry, imitative new entry or adaptive new entry?
3. What available resources are there for you to support the initial launch of your company?
4. What are the current industry and competitive conditions?
5. What is the market conditions for success or failure in the six months and after?
6. What type of funding will you be seeking, and why that choice?
Suggestions and Grading Guidance:
As usual you should use your best grammar, mechanics 12-point font Times New Roman and double spaced.
Current APA referencing where appropriate.
Your write-up should not exceed 2,000 words. Minimum number of pages is 2 (not including the cover page) but no more than 4 pages.
This assignment will be submitted through Canvas.
Preparation – breadth of reading, care in organization in the writing, and attendance to details.
Depth of understanding – application to course material is welcomed and highly encouraged.
Level of accuracy and relevance in Global understanding when making cogent strategic choices.
This assignment is subject to an external evaluation of plagiarism using Turnitin, an online system that identifies unoriginal student submissions by checking submitted work against Turnitin’s content databases.
Make sure you look at the Grading Rubric for grading guidance.

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