National Center for Injury Prevention and Control:
Part 1: Introduction:
Executive Summary
Part 2: Report on and examine the program according to the following:
How does the issue (disease or unhealthy habit) affect populations in the United States?
What interventions work best to prevent and control the issue?
What funding is available to use interventions that work?
What types of education are available to help all Americans understand the risk factors and how to reduce them?
Part 3: Evaluate the program
Discuss what YOU think is the best way to evaluate the program
What factors must be considered in choosing an evaluation design for this intervention?
Part 4: Conclusion: how would you recommend implementing the program? Provide evidence for your recommendations. Consider the following:
Where should the program be implemented and why?
Should there be a targeted population demographic?
What should the actual implementation process be?
This assignment should be 7 pages MAX (excluding Title and Reference Page). The assignment should be typed and submitted on a Word Document in APA format: size 12 font Times New Roman, normal margins (1 inch all around), double spaced. A minimum of three (3) references are required in proper APA format (in addition to the course text). References should come from a peer reviewed journal article, course textbook, and or an Internet source (.org, .edu, gov, etc)
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