Reply to each post with 1-2 paragraphs , including references Post#1- Juan Dat

Reply to each post with 1-2 paragraphs , including references
Post#1- Juan
Data collection for my topic related to how career development opportunities impact the satisfaction and retention of nurses within a period of a year would include a plan for an interview process to gather results that can be taken in a secluded location within the hospital or in the privacy of the participant’s home (Tappen, 2016). Since my sample involves nonprobability convenience sampling that will interview nurses from different hospitals, it is important that there are no limiting factors that may affect the scoring given by the nurse due to outside pressure. In this way, nurses can answer honestly and truthfully to the questions provided with the results populating to a database. Additionally, there should be rater training for the examiners that will provide access to this questionnaire to ensure that there is an understanding of the measures being asked, consent to participate, and confidentiality of the results (Tappen, 2016). With this method of data collection, nurses can answer how they rate satisfaction, availability of learning opportunities, and intent to stay in a relaxing manner that does not necessarily have to be completed in the workplace. Some issues that may arise with this data collection plan are motivations of individual nurses to complete these questions on their own time, especially if it may appear time-consuming to them (Tappen, 2016). The interview should be set to allow for an ample amount of time for staff to be able to answer without compromising their own time.
The research topic I am exploring is the impact of dietary supplements on cognitive function in preventing and managing dementia. To collect data, I plan to recruit individuals aged 65 and above with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either resveratrol supplementation or a placebo. Cognitive assessment tools such as MMSE will be used to measure cognitive function at baseline and during the follow-up period.
Potential ethical issues with research may arise when obtaining informed consent. When working with participants who have dementia, participants’ capacity to understand and make decisions regarding their participation must be assessed. In case of limited capacity, obtaining informed consent may require involvement from the legally authorized representative (Tappen, 2015). Another potential issue in data collection is participants’ non-compliance with the intervention, which can be addressed by providing regular follow-ups.

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