Students will create a 1.5-2 page-long typed reflection of their visit. Response

Students will create a 1.5-2 page-long typed reflection of their visit. Responses must be in MLA format. The site I visited was Masjid al-haram in Saudi Arabia.
Explore in writing what you have experienced at a location of creative expression.
Visit a location of creative expression; this is subjective to you, I suggest a museum, gallery, theatre, church/temple, historic building, film site, play, or exhibit.
Reflect on the art you witnessed and/or experienced. How did the location make you feel? What was the aesthetic? How was creativity expressed here and in what form? Did you like or dislike anything in particular, why? Did something specific stand out as beautiful? Was there a connection you felt between the work of art? Talk about your experience.
Students are to submit their assignment by July 25th, 11:59 pm using the submission link on this page.
Use citations and supporting evidence from texts/videos found in your Modules when necessary.
Include proof of visit; this can be a photo of you there or a ticket stub. Not included in the page length.
Does not need to be a paid event. Remember there is a museum on the Cuyamaca campus, Heritage of the Americas, and parks usually have free events or historic landmarks. Attending/visiting a church/temple is also free.

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