Research a current business article, at most within (2 yrs.) It most be connecte

Research a current business article, at most within (2 yrs.) It most be connected to one or two of the concepts attached in the pictures. Provide a brief synopsis with your opinions, thoughts, or perspectives. add source in APA style. talk about what you agree with, what you find interesting, why thie articel is important and how it relates to the concept you chose, give persepctive.
The article that I read, titled Four Strategies Define the Future of Purpose-Driven BrandinLinks to an external site., discussed niche branding strategies that focus on building an impactful and inspiring brand.
The first strategy focuses on identifying a social purpose. Brands can no longer just make a good thing or sell it at a good price. Millennials and Gen Z consumers are demanding deeper meaning and social commitments from the brands that they support.
The development and implementation of signature programs is the second strategy discussed in the article. The signature programs can range from addressing societal issues to working with a key external partner, which reminded me of the channel partnership marketing strategies discussed in chapter 20 of our textbook.
The third strategy discussed involves integrating signature programs into the business. It is not just enough to have a couple “feel good” campaigns; the signature programs need to be worked into the core of the brand’s marketing identity and plan. Emphasizing a signature program shifts the focus to building goodwill in the community.
Finally, the fourth strategy involves building inspiring, credible signature program brands. This is where the rubber meets the road and brands bring their signature programs to life. Successful storytelling and leveraging will ideally lead to increased credibility and visibility which in turn will feed into deeper offerings.
I found this article interesting as I’ve worked in the nonprofit sector for a few years and I’ve seen the importance of building signature programs. I assisted with running a kids summer theater camp at a nonprofit performing arts center, and that program and partnership has become a pillar of community involvement. This signature program has in turn, helped feed additional community outreach opportunities to fill an identified social purpose of creating an engaging art space
example 2:
The article I read is, Brand Identity: How to Develop a Unique & Memorable Brand in 2023Links to an external site.
I really enjoyed reading this article because it touched on a lot of what we learned about in this module, and how a brand is much more than a name. A quote included in the article that stood out to me was by Jared Rosen (Wayfair Senior Brand Manager), “Brand identity is more than just finding the right logo to place on a coffee cup sleeves or mount above your front door. It’s about crafting a personality that amplifies the core elements to your brand’s DNA.” Even in previous classes at UWM, I learned that brand is more of the name and logo that a company chooses. After being in this class for a couple of weeks and reading this article, it’s now engraved into my mind that it is so much more.
This article includes examples of different companies and how their brands are more than just their names. For example, Burt’s Bees uses recyclable packaging and donates to many projects and initiatives. What I liked about the reading is that it emphasizes yes, you see Burt’s Bees logo and you recognize that company, but what makes them stand apart from other companies is their values and what makes up their brand identity. All of this isn’t to say that having a recognizable name or logo isn’t important, but what you do with your company creates the brand loyalty. If a company utilizes Points of Difference and Points of Parity, they can create a brand strategy and ultimately a brand identity that sets them apart from their competitors.

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