Learning the strengths and weaknesses of your staff can be the secret to unlocki

Learning the strengths and weaknesses of your staff can be the secret to unlocking the potential of your department. Each employee will have different skills, experiences, and education. As a manager, you will be tasked with identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your staff. You will also have to unlock your staff’s potential.
Following the requirements for discussion posts found in the FEM, describe some ways you can go about identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the members of your team. Provide at least two strategies you could use and describe what these strategies would reveal about your team members.
Include one academic reference in your post. Use current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.
The leadership style you adopt with your team will set the pace for how your department functions in the organization.
For your initial post to this discussion, identify traits of a strong leader and compare these to the traits of less effective leaders. Which of these traits do you recognize in your own leadership style? Which of your traits would you like to develop further and why?
In addition to following the guidelines in the Faculty Expectations message (FEM), include one academic reference in your post. Use current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.
In your initial post, discuss how different systems levels in health care and public health in your own locality influence each other and how they impact health determinants. Suggest ways the various system levels could work together more effectively. Use evidence to explain why you think your suggested changes would improve effectiveness.
Include two academic references in your post. Use the current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.
RESPONSE GUIDELINESRead the posts of all the learners. As noted in the Faculty Expectations Message discussion response guidelines, comment on the posts of what other learners identified. Compare systems levels in health care and public health in your locality to conditions in the locality of the other learners. Are there similar themes? What makes them stand apart from one another?
Use the current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of any references you provide.

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