Select a sport. 1. Create a (brief) timeline, stretching back as far as you like

Select a sport.
1. Create a (brief) timeline, stretching back as far as you like, that includes five athlete influencers in that sport. Give a brief synopsis of each: who they were/are, and how their actions or behavior impacted their sport and/or society. You must include at least one athlete from each gender, or alternatively, explain why you did not or cannot.
Look for athletes with whom you are not already familiar. Find someone who was either a trailblazer or had some aspect to them, on or off the field of play, that made them sui generis.
2. Explore the idea that different traits are found in a successful team sport athlete versus in a successful individual sport athlete. Must these two personalities be different? Do the athletes you chose support or refute this idea?
Provide critique to at least two peers.

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