World War II Propaganda Project SECTION 1 of 2 Shaping the attitudes and actions

World War II Propaganda Project
SECTION 1 of 2
Shaping the attitudes and actions of a nation’s people is one of the most important tasks of a government at war. Propaganda is the way these goals are accomplished. The word “propaganda” is often viewed negatively, but it can be a positive tool to transmit a message.
One of the most memorable forms of propaganda from World War II was the poster. These contributed to some of the era’s most iconic images and created positive and negative emotions. They called on feelings of patriotism, national pride, and fear of the enemy to drive Americans to act… or not to act.
This assignment has 2 parts.
First, you will look at several posters from World War II and write a response to several questions. You may have seen some of these images before; others you probably haven’t. The following images were created by the OWI (Office of War Information) in the United States and their counterparts in Japan and Germany. For the second part of the assignment, you will create your own propaganda poster. It may contain the subject matter of your choice but should be clear in its message and perspective.
Be sure to follow all the instructions carefully as you work through this project. You will submit (2) two files (Word document and Poster) to Canvas when you have completed your assignment. These can be uploaded at the same time.
Part I
Look through the following images carefully. For Part I of the assignment, you will need to choose ONLY (2) two images. Then, write one 250-word paragraph for each image you chose, answering all of the following questions:
1What symbols, key words or well-known images are used?.
What is the emotion conveyed by the poster?
Would a similar image have the same impact in today’s society? Why or why not?
Part I of your assignment should:
be a Microsoft Word document, typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt font with 1 inch margins – double spaced
have your name, course, and the date in the upper right hand corner
have the image number from this presentation – look beneath each image – at the heading of each paragraph
be written in clear paragraphs that have been proofread for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
contain a minimum of 250 words in each paragraph (in other words, you should have a minimum of 500 words for the entire assignment—at least 250 for each image you chose)
Part II
As we begin wrapping up our study of World War II, you will create your own propaganda poster. You may use black & white or color and select your own subject matter. Be sure to be clear regarding the message and perspective. Think about this as creating your own meme that conveys a specific point.
Remember to be sensitive to ethnic and religious differences and refrain from using stereotypical images that may have been acceptable at one time but are offensive today.
Here are a few specific guidelines for creating your poster:
You may create your poster in PowerPoint, Word, or any other computer-generated image that can be saved as a .pdf or .jpeg file.
If you create something on paper and take a photograph, your image must be clearly viewable – any items that are not clear cannot be scored.
Do not use images from the internet other than clip art or items from the public domain – this must be primarily your own work – you may assemble parts from images obtained online. The concept and execution must be your own.
What is the poster trying to get people to do? Describe the image.
What is the theme of the poster?

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