There are two presentations that the students will do in this course. The second

There are two presentations that the students will do in this course.
The second presentation will require a four-minute “Top 3” style presentation, where the student will prepare a “Top 3” list on a business topic of the student’s choice.
You are also required to record your voice and embed it in the presentation.
Please refer to the Presentation rubric for the specific grading criterion.
Keep in mind 4 minutes goes by quickly and you should be able to practice and time your presentation before uploading it so you do not go to long (see Rubric for time range).
I have attached a PowerPoint Presentation Structure/Guide/Template used in Business to provide clear, concise, audience centric messaging (think Occam’s Razor).
I will look for you to use this format for your presentations.
Top 3 topics
A.I. in e-commerce
Algorithms in e commerce
E-commerce for the future
Please cite work and have reference slide , APA 7

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