Purpose: This assignment aims to assess the alignment of early childhood fundin

This assignment aims to assess the alignment of early childhood funding development principles and financial planning with program philosophy, vision, mission, and goals.
Read the following before completing this assignment.
Planning is the first step toward achieving growth for an early childhood program, and few programs open their doors without having a goal for potential growth. Since many early childhood organizations have limited resources, budgeting and writing grants may be critical to ensuring they have what is needed to operate and intelligently allocate funds. While most childcare owners understand that their goals and finances are intertwined, it is not uncommon for a budget to be set up at odds with its strategy. Aligning planning and funding are crucial to achieving your program’s goals.
Part 1: You will create a portrait of a hypothetical (or actual) early childhood organization/program that you either currently lead or envision yourself leading.
*The name of your hypothetical (or actual) organization, the number of children, and the ages served.
*A mission statement outlining the program’s philosophy.
*Two specific goals of your organization (i.e., exposing preschoolers to early literacy experiences and educating families on the critical importance of early childhood literacy).
-These goals should be clear and concise, demonstrating your inspired vision, objectives, and intended impact on the community from your organization.
Part 2: Now that you have written your portrait of a hypothetical or actual early childhood organization, you will explore the web resources listed in this unit’s readings to locate a grant to assist you in meeting one of your goals. Once you find a grant, share the following:
*What type of grant did you locate?
*Share the name of the grant and the funder, and share a URL with the funding agency.
*Describe what interests you about this grant, how much money is awarded, and what types of initiatives the grant funds.
*State the grant’s mission or objectives and the application requirements.
*How does this funding source align with your program’s philosophy, vision, mission, and goals?
*What can you do to strengthen the alignment without changing your goal?

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