Write your response to the questions below. Use a Word.doc format. Apply APA formatting to your document. Include cover page, references page, and be sure to include intext citations. All submitted documents will be scrutinized for plagiarism as well as the use of AI generated narrative to construct narrative responses.
1. Based on the definition of transformational leadership in this chapter:
a. What aspects of the implementation of the Friendship Bench and the effectiveness of the
grandmothers do you see as related to the transformational leadership processes? Explain
b. Are there aspects of this process outlined in this case study that you would classify as
transactional leadership? Why?
2. Charisma and its relationship to transformational leadership was discussed at length and outlined in
Table 8.1. View Dr. Dixon Chibanda’s 2017 TED Talk at www.ted.com/talks/dixon_chibanda_why_i_train_grandmothers_to_treat_depression and respond to the following:
a. Do you perceive Dr. Chibanda to be a charismatic leader? Why or why not?
b. What about the grandmothers? What characteristics of charismatic leadership, if any, would
you ascribe to them? Explain your answer.
c. Bass suggested that “charisma is a necessary but not sufficient condition for transformational
leadership.” Based on the elements of this case study, would you agree or disagree? Why?
3. How do each of the leadership factors of idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, and
individualized consideration relate to this case?
4. Bennis and Nanus expanded on the transformational perspective by identifying four common
strategies for transformational leaders. Discuss how each of these relates to Dr. Chibanda and the grandmothers:
a. Clear vision
b. Social architect
c. Creation of trust
d. Creative deployment of self
5. Kouzes and Posner identified five fundamental practices of transformational leaders. Discuss how these apply to this case:
a. Model the way
b. Inspire a shared vision c. Challenge the process d. Enable others to act
e. Encourage the heart
6. The chapter lists seven criticisms of the transformational leadership model. Select three of these and address them with respect to this case.
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