Discuss the findings of your results section and what they mean for future pract

Discuss the findings of your results section and what they mean for future practice (and conclusions about your project).
**Please make sure to upload your entire document template and not just your Chapters 5 and 6 this week. Thank you!
This assignment is worth 50 points, graded as follows:
Nearly Meets
Does Not Meet
38-40 points
Discussion is thorough and detailed; Conclusion summarizes project and builds from points outlined in the discussion.
Length is ~2-3 pages
25-37 points
Some details are unclear/missing in the discussion. Conclusion summarizes project but needs some development.
Length is ~1.5-3 pages.
0-24 points
Unclear discussion and conclusion with significant details missing and needs to be developed much further.
Length is less than 1.5 pages
Integrity of Writing
10 points
Writing is free of grammatical, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors.
5-9 points
Writing contained 1-5 errors.
0-4 points
Writing was disorganized and contained more than 5 errors.

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