Must be APA format and please cite your resources and use in-cite text as well.

Must be APA format and please cite your resources and use in-cite text as well. The context around this discussion is Nursing Informatics and Technology.
List some of the users you are now following on LinkedIn. Tell us a bit about the user and/or their post
Did you come across any relevant information? (Please provide an example of each)
What were the topics being discussed on the #HITsm or your hashtag thread? Are any of them relevant to what we are covering this semester? Topics this semester were: Electronic Health Records EHR or Personal Health Records (PHR), Data Translation and Patient Care, Ethics, Privacy and Regulatory Legislation
Did you come across any interesting discussions during your hashtag search? Which discussion did you respond to?
What are your overall impressions of LinkedIn? Will you continue to use it for your own research, professional networking, education?

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