While the role of standards in education has shifted over time, the stakes surrounding standards remain high — and will continue to remain high in the future. Standards are an essential component of education because:
Standards set clear and measurable goals. There’s a common misunderstanding surrounding standards. Individuals often perceive standards as the curriculum or course of study in a particular subject. Rather, standards inform educators about the outcomes of a course of study. Common Core and other state college and career readiness standards define the skills and knowledge that students must obtain to be prepared for college, work and life; standards also guide the goals that educators must work toward.
Standards inform instruction. Standards are what curriculum, assessments, and professional development are designed to support and achieve.
Standards help measure achievement. The dictionary.com definition of “standard” is “something considered by an authority or general consent as the basis of comparison; an approved model.” This describes the basic idea of Common Core and other state college and career readiness standards. These form a common set of goals that can be measured within a state or across the country to determine student success.
For this assignment, Click on the link and watch the Unpacking Content Standards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0HSEGZRE90&feature=youtu.be
After watching the video, answer the following two discussion questions:
– Why is it important for teachers to understand the content standards?
-How does learning to unpack content standards ensure you are meeting the learning objective?
Be sure to use APA formatting in your paper.
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