One of your regional offices unexpectedly lost their branch manager to resignation. For the time being, your company will have to promote one of the nonmanagerial employees to fill the branch manager role until the role can be permanently tilled. Create a Manager’s Reference Tool that will assist this employee with their new role.
The competencies and related topics of your reference tool are below and they could be used as “Chapters” or “Sections”.
Selection and Training of Employees
1. Review both legal and illegal types of interview questions.
2. Discuss techniques to maximize the information gained during an interview.
3. Discuss techniques used to select employees.
4. Discuss the purposes of the orientation and training of employees.
5. Discuss techniques to enhance employee orientation and training.
Health and Safety
1. Describe the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
2. List common health and safety hazards in the workplace. Consider a specific industry
3. Discuss techniques and strategies for developing effective health and safety programs.
4. Discuss the impact of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and other STDs on the work environment and on hiring practices.
Effective Communication
1. Describe the types of supervisory communications.
2. Discuss non-verbal communication.
3. Discuss barriers to effective communication.
4. Discuss the importance of developing effective listening techniques.
5. Review the costs and benefits associated with holding meetings.
6. Review the purposes served by holding meetings.
7. Identify common problems encountered during meetings.
8. Discuss techniques to enhance the effectiveness of meetings.
Your focus will be on finding modern practices of real management application from reputable sources. Each student should contribute 2 pages single spaced with size 12 font in APA format. It is imperative that you document each source that vou use as you gather
information. In addition, the sources should be
cited within the writing where they are used, not just at the end.
I encourage you to make it appealing and easy to read. You are welcome to include some diagrams, charts, etc.,
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