I already w0ote my 2 p@ge ess@y, I need someone to review it and to add the foll

I already w0ote my 2 p@ge ess@y, I need someone to review it and to add the following things. 
1.  Include an in-text table with grammar/ punctuation rules you should remember to make your wr1ting more effective. ( The In-text table should be within the p@per, and not at the beginning or the end of the p@per.) 
2. MLA or APA style cit@tion from 3 articles that are from now to 5 months ago. (-In-text citations for everything that is not common knowledge.)
3. Add Cit@tions as a reference at the end. 
4. 12 point font, One inch margins, Double spaced, and Times New Roman font.

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