COVID Teaching Discussion An  integral part of nursing is teaching and there a

COVID Teaching Discussion
An  integral part of nursing is teaching and there are always opportunities  to teach your clients, patients, family, and friends. As nurses we  often need to put our personal opinions aside and teach our patients  about the science and facts of controversial topics such as Covid so  they can make informed health choices. In this discussion, you will  explore either the or national websites to review the  known facts about Covid and format a teaching plan to educate your  audience on one aspect of Covid that you have learned.
Examples of topics could be about handwashing, mask usage, Covid vaccines etc.
You  will include your Topic, a Rationale with citation/reference, an  Intended Audience, a Teaching Method, List 3 facts that you have learned  about your topic, List 3 SMART Learner Objectives (can be short or long  term), and how you will Evaluate objective achievement. For each of these 7 areas you will respond with 3-4 well written sentences. Your in-text citation AND corresponding reference should be in APA 7th edition format.
Post your original post and respond to 2 peer posts in order to receive credit.
TOPIC: What will you teach about?
RATIONALE  (include an in-text citation here and list your reference below your  post): Why is this topic important to health and wellness?
AUDIENCE: Who will you be teaching and why?
TEACHING METHOD: Would you use a Power Point, poster, handouts, or a video? Why?
List  3 FACTS that you learned from the CDC or NIH website about your topic  (include an in-text citation here and list your reference below your  post).
List 3 LEARNER OBJECTIVES (use SMART format and each  objective counts as a sentence): ex) By the end of the presentation, the  learner will be able to…. 
PLAN FOR EVALUATION: How will you measure if your audience reached the objectives? 

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