Answer the following questions and focus on your learning. 1. What did you find

Answer the following questions and focus on your learning.
1. What did you find challenging in this module and why? (2pts)
2. What did you learn about designing multimedia that you previously didn’t know? (2pts)
3. Describe how you applied various multimedia principles to your slides. What principles did you employ and how did you apply them? (6pts)
So you might be wondering: why should we learn about Multimedia ? And why is important? Well, as teachers (and any presenter in general), you will have to communicate information to your learners or audience to help them understand a topic or concept as well as for instructions on how to complete a task or explain a complex process. You will probably use words, spoken or written, to communicate with students and visuals, such as photos, videos, animation, to enhance and compliment your presentation. But do you know why you do so?
To learn more about this topic, please watch the following videos:
An overview of Multimedia Design & Principles (click on the link to launch the video and use the “PREV” and “NEXT” buttons to navigate the video content)
Principles of Multimedia Learning
There are 12 Multimedia Principles that you should cognizant when designing a PowerPoint presentation or any multimedia instruction. Read the following resource to get familiar with the principles: 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning.
As future teachers, it is important to understand how our brain works or how we process information to design effective instruction. Read the following resource below to understand how to integrate multimedia into K-12 settings:Understanding Multimedia Learning

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