A. H. was a 39-year-old divorced mother of two (son aged 12, daughter aged 7) wh

A. H. was a 39-year-old divorced mother of two (son aged 12, daughter aged 7) who worked as a bank manager. However, she had become concerned about her ability to concentrate on and remember information while at work. A. H. had made some “financially disastrous” mistakes and was now—at the suggestion of her supervisor—taking some vacation time to “get her head together.” Because of her concentration and memory problems, it had been taking her longer to complete her work, so she had been arriving at work 30 minutes early each day, and she often took work home. She reported being unable to relax, even outside of work, and at work it was hard to make decisions because she ruminated endlessly (“Is this the right decision, or should I do that?”) and hence tried to avoid making decisions altogether. Her concentration and memory problems were worst when she was worried about some aspect of life, which was most of the time. She reported that 75% of her waking life each day was spent in a state of anxiety and worry. In addition to worrying about her performance at work, she worried about her children’s well-being (whether they had been hurt or killed while out playing in the neighborhood). She also worried about her relationships with men and minor things such as getting to work on time, keeping her house clean, and maintaining regular contact with friends and family. A. H. recognized that her fears were both excessive and uncontrollable, but she couldn’t dismiss any worry that came to mind. She was irritable, had insomnia, had frequent muscle tension and headaches, and felt generally on edge.’
• Your purpose in this section is to professionally tell the story of the individual’s personal relevant information. At this point do not yet include any statements about how the symptoms are directly connected to the DSM-5 diagnosis.
Provide, in your own words, a very brief description of the case study
What symptoms and behaviors is this individual exhibiting ?
What particular difficulties are they suffering from
Also describe any other life circumstances and/or personal characteristics that may reflect neurological, psychological and social issues or risk factors
The overall purpose of this section is to show the knowledge and expertise that you have developed about this disorder.
• In your own words, summarize all of the DSM-5 criteria for the disorder
Also, summarize what the lectures and textbook cover about other neurological, psychological and social issues and risk factor information that researchers have found about this disorder
If the disorder has been found to have comorbidity with any other disorder(s)
In the Discussion your purpose is to individually apply your expertise to this particular person’s story; do this by making a diagnosis for them, and by discussing future treatment options and other possible issues for them.
• Explain the individual’s symptoms described in the case study as they are related to the DSM-5 criteria
. Also state the symptoms, experiences and life events that match neurological, psychological and social issues or risk factors
• Discuss possible comorbidities
• Include your opinion and considerations on the case study to make your official diagnosis and suggest the most appropriate treatment(s

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