Prompt: Journal Article on Strategic Management and Innovation in Healthcare Adm

Prompt: Journal Article on Strategic Management and Innovation in Healthcare Administration: Write an article for the Journal of Advanced Strategic Management and Innovation in Healthcare Administration (JASMIHC).
o Requirements: Create a journal submission for the JASMIHC based on their Writer’s Guidelines. Create a 1,500-2,000-word journal submission for the JASMIHC based on their Writer’s Guidelines. The Journal of Advanced Strategic Management and Innovation in Healthcare Administration is a fictitious journal for students to gain experience writing for a Journal in a Journal type of format. The Journal of Advanced
Strategic Management and Innovation in Healthcare Administration covers all areas of Healthcare Strategic Management that have been covered in this course. Please select a topic of interest that we have addressed in this course and write a journal article based on this topic and provide a practical solution to that topic of interest. For example, we have covered Patient-Centered Care. You might discuss the importance
of Patient-Centered Care within the current healthcare landscape and provide practical strategic management solutions for how a healthcare administrator might support this healthcare delivery model within their strategy. How might Figure 2-1, “Conceptual drawing of a four-level health care system” from the article, A Framework for a Systems Approach to Health Care Delivery by Reid et al. fit into your journal? Usually, Journal articles are focused on a specific solution that solves a specific problem and provide evidence that tie them together. Review the Journals we have read as well as the ones you have gathered in this course for more guidelines on what content you should expect within a Journal article.
Requirements: 1500

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