Hello I am working in professional Assignment I attached all file required the i

Hello I am working in professional Assignment I attached all file required the instruction of question below

Score Range Professional Assignment 2 – CLO 4

Turn to page 273 in your textbook and complete the Understand Yourself Exercise: How Well Do You Add up as a Team Member? and add up your score.
Find your score range.

Then, write a two to four page reflection by using the following questions to prompt your thoughts:
Do you agree with your score range? Why or why not?

What examples can you provide of your previous experience as a team member (at work or school) that support your score range?
What examples can you provide from work or school that negate that score range?

DO NOT write your paper as a series of answers to these numbered questions. This assignment should follow the written assignment guidelines for the course.
Important Instruction to do question
Note : 1- no any answer should be from any website or any artificial intelligence should be from articles this home work submit to check Turnitin and AI contact detector no plagrism found 0 %
Note 2- provide me in separate file included the link for all articles the use it in answer the question and put behind each link the number of pages the use it from the article in answer the question
Note 3 – All reference should be APA 7 edition
The instruction about grading the question should be exemplary
Performance Indicators
(Observation descriptors indicating extent to which criterion is met.)


30% of overall grade
Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in depth analysis, and evidence of original thought and support for the topic.

25% of overall grade
All evidence supports arguments and is relevant to the topic. The student uses the required number and type of resources identified in the syllabus to support his/her argument.

15% of overall grade
Paper has a high degree of attention to logic and reasoning of points. Paper clearly leads the reader to the conclusion and stirs thought regarding the topic.

15% of overall grade
Few errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and grammar.

15% of overall grade
Paper meets all formatting guidelines and assignment requirements, including page-length and APA formatting requirements. Paper is correctly assembled with a professional look.

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