n Part Two (24 points): Write an abstract for the paper! I suggest you look at t

n Part Two (24 points): Write an abstract for the paper! I suggest you look at the example paper
on Canvas to see how this should look! Use the information from Part One to paraphrase the
The entire paper should be summarized in one short paragraph (250 words maximum).
Penalty of 5% per 5 words over the limit will be applied. More than 300 words will result in a 0.
Note: there are two studies, and you must mention both. Yes, this is tough, but authors often
summarize papers that they wrote that may include six or seven different studies!
Tip: Find the overlap between both studies and discuss both simultaneously. For example,
“Both studies looked at X, but study two also examined Y.” Make sure your abstract starts at the
top of its own page (it should be all on its own).
Your abstract should include the following (18 points):
1. Title page (1 point)
2. Include the word “Abstract” at the top of your abstract (1 point)
3. Identify the general problem or research question (1 point)
4. Identify hypotheses for both studies. (1 points)
5. Note the participants for both studies (2 points)
a. Who and how many?
6. Note the IVs and DVs for the studies, and their levels (4 points)
a. What conditions make up the IV levels?
b. What operationalization (i.e., measure) was used for the DV?
i. Remember, this should be something observable, not abstract.
7. Note the findings for both studies, including relevant results they failed to find
(2 points)
a. These should relate to the hypotheses.
b. Be sure to discuss results they failed to find if they are relevant to the
8. Note the overall conclusions and/or implications of the two studies (2 points)
9. Include keywords for the study (at least 5 keywords or phrases – these are not
included in the total word count) (2 points)
10. Look at the references section of the paper you read. Identify and correct errors
you find on the references page. (2 points)
a. These corrected references should be included at the bottom of your abstract
page (see the example paper for how this should look)
b. Do not include references without error(s). Just identify two references that
should be corrected.
Writing Quality (6 points)
1. Avoid run-on sentences, sentence fragments, spelling errors, and grammar errors.
2. Write with sufficient detail that the person reading it would be able to understand
even if they had not read the paper.
3. The writing should be PERFECT here. You will lose a point for each writing error,
so proofread, proofread, and proofread some more!
a. Get a peer, family member, or friend to review it for you! Read the abstract
out-loud too!
4. Remember to follow APA guidelines too, there are specific rules for writing an

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