July 5, 2023
NOTE: If you have five students in your group, STOP! Open Assignment # 1 in Moodle
designed for a Group of 5 Students.
1. Assignment Logistics
1) Arrange a date and time to meet with your group as soon as possible. The assignment’s due date will come
fast, so you need to be quick!
2) During your first meeting, review the assignment (this document). Look over the five roles outlined for this
assignment and decide amongst yourselves who will perform what role. In the event of nobody coming to
the meeting, the Project Manager will assign roles. You must not perform the role that you completed in
Assignment # 1.
3) The Project Manager will lead a discussion on creating a schedule for suitable meeting times. You should
meet at least 3 times during the week in order to complete this assignment. You must give enough time for the
QA specialist to complete their wrap-up of the assignment and post it to Moodle. (Hint: Use doodle.com to find
out what times would be best for all)
2. Roles of Group Members (Role descriptions and rubrics will be posted in Moodle)
1. Project Manager – Assignment Schedule/Plan (MPP or other), Meeting Agendas/Minutes, Comms Log
2. Stakeholder Subject Matter Expert (SME) – Stakeholder Register
3. Communications Specialist – Stakeholder Engagement Plan
4. Quality Assurance (QA) Specialist – Assignment “polishing”, Quality checks, final submission of official
homework document.
Anticipated effort over the Assignment:
3. Assignment Background and Description
In order to complete this assignment successfully, you and your group of four will use an existing business case and
project charter from another of your previous classes or analyze an article from the newatlas.com website and summarize
it in a business case and project charter. You will then use the business case and charter to identify all the stakeholders,
do an analysis of the stakeholders and create a stakeholder engagement plan for the stakeholders. Note that it is
recommended to use an existing case and charter from a group member, as these documents are not actually graded in
this assignment.
Completing this assignment successfully will require an understanding of the first two processes in Project Stakeholder
Management, 13.1 Identify Stakeholders and 13.2 Plan Stakeholder Engagement.
Your group will need to review the inputs, along with the tools and techniques, for the two processes listed above.
Although each group member will have a specific role in completing this assignment, the specific roles are not intended to
reduce collaboration and teamwork in any way. The intention is to clearly identify the responsibility of each team member
for the role in this assignment. If a team member does not perform their assigned, this should not majorly impact the
grading of other team members. DO NOT fulfill the role of another team member! Coaching and mentoring only!
The QA Specialist will submit the final results of assignment to Moodle on behalf of the group, however each
other group member/role will need to submit their work separately. Be sure to review the rubric for your role
4. High-Level Requirements
Business Case/Project Charter: The business case and project charter will help identify the initial project stakeholders.
They are an input to the Identify Stakeholders process, so they are an essential part of creating the stakeholder register.
Please use the templates posted in Moodle as they are considered an OPA (Organizational Process Asset). If you have
chosen to select a new project for this assignment, a business case template and the project charter templated are posted
in Moodle as well.
Stakeholder Register: The register must include all the elements in section of the PMBOK. You must use the
stakeholder register template from the Book of Forms (BoF). To be completed by Stakeholder SME.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan: As you identify stakeholders, your group will need to complete an analysis of them to
determine how you will engage the stakeholders. To be completed by Comms Specialist
Citation of Sources: Identify all sources that you used in the completion of this assignment. See Moodle for how to cite
your sources.
5. Deliverables
Note that each role will have their own set of deliverables which is documented in detail in the Assignment # 1 section of
The final Group submission of the final document is done by the QA Specialist in their appropriate drop box:
• A single MS Word document containing a “Title Page”, a “Table of Contents” generated by MS Word, a
“Business Case/“Project Charter”, a Stakeholder Register, and a Stakeholder Engagement Plan. See Moodle for
templates of each document.
Use the individual role rubrics posted on the Moodle page as a guide to the expected content that will be graded.
6. Due Thursday, July 20th
, 2023 @ 11:59PM
Your assignment needs to be submitted in MS Word format using the forms from the “A Project Manager’s Book of Forms”
book. Updated and enhanced copies of these forms are posted in Moodle. Use the rubrics posted in Moodle as a guide to
ensure your assignment has all the required components.
Please use the dropbox for each role provided in the assignment section in Moodle to submit your work. Be careful to
use the drop box for the role that you have performed in the assignment. Do not email this assignment!
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