The critical application paper in this class will be a movie review in which you

The critical application paper in this class will be a movie review in which you will describe aspects of stress and coping depicted in film using theory (for example, you could use the ABCX or Double ABCX model applied in your short paper assignment) and research discussed in this course. This will be a movie of your choice—you do not have to receive my approval for your movie choice however you must identify an issue in the movie that relates to the course materials on stress and coping. After a brief description (1-page in length) of the film and its main characters you will be required to explain how the film illustrates general principles of stress and coping or perpetuates misconceptions regarding this topic.
Textbook: Bush, K., and Price, C. (Eds.). (2020). Families & Change: Coping with stressful events and
transitions (6th ed.). Los Angeles, CA. Sage Publications.
doesn’t have to be as long as the example paper. This is just a draft soonly has to be one page but you should follow that format.

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