Read Parable, pp. 100-224 (Chs. 10-18). This discussion has TWO parts. You will

Read Parable, pp. 100-224 (Chs. 10-18).
This discussion has TWO parts. You will need to complete both parts on time for full credit. NOTE: After you’ve read the pp. 100-224 of Parable of the Sower, consider the following questions: How does the old version of religion (Lauren’s father’s Christianity) seem to fail in this new world? Why does Lauren think her new religion can work better in this world? What is its ultimate goal? Lauren preaches a sermon after her father’s disappearance. What is it about? Why does she choose that subject? Does she believe her own sermon? Why or why not? What does this episode tell us about Lauren’s personality? What strengths does she have?
Keith is causing problems. How do you feel about him? Can you see him beyond/outside of Lauren’s perspective? How would you describe Keith’s personality? What strengths does he have? What does he want? Can you empathize with him? Do the members of Lauren’s family (including Lauren) deal with Keith in the best ways? Why or why not?
Part 2. After you’ve posted, reply to TWO posts by classmates. You can respond to either #1 or #2 or both. You can share a similar thought, ask questions, or suggest other ideas or perspectives. Regardless, your replies should be friendly and constructive. Each of your replies should be at least 3 sentences. Note: your responses must also be completed by the deadline to receive full credit.

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