Hello! I need someone to write me an essay based off two readings. I will leave

Hello! I need someone to write me an essay based off two readings. I will leave the prompt and the link to the readings below. If you are willing to help me, you need to be authentic in your work and be willing to read the articles and understand them well. The essay will be put through an AI detector and Plagiarism checker so it must be original and self written. The essay also must be 1200 words minimum. Focus on passages from the texts as evidence to support your thesis, interpretations, and claims about them. Use actual quotes from the texts in your essay as evidence to support your argument of interpretation. Outside sources are not to be used for this paper.
The “Over-Reachers”. Explain the sin of pride as it is displayed in Faustus and Satan in Dr. Faustus and Paradise Lost. How does it work on the characters and affect their fates?

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