Click on this link to access and complete the Jung Typology personality test. After you complete the test, you will want to read the descriiption, but in order to fully understand what this test measures, you should also review “Personality Type explained.” Then review the pages on career choices, learning style and communication skills. Incorporate this information in formulating your responses to the questions below.
Include the actual results in an appendix at the end of your paper. (Note: This appendix requirement will likely increase your paper’s Turnitin similarity score; however, your professor is aware of this.)
Prepare a 2- to 3-page essay that addresses the following:
How does my personality type affect my career and effectiveness at my job?
What did the test reveal about you?
What can you infer from this test about your strengths and weaknesses?
How does what you have learned from your module background materials about your personality type affect your motivation? Is this limited to a specific type of situation?
What specific steps can you take to increase your strengths and build up weaknesses?
Required Sources
Luthans, F., Luthans, K. W., & Luthans, B. C. (2015). Chapter 5: Personality, perception, and employee attitudes. In Organizational behavior: An evidence-based approach, 13th Ed., (pp. 102-129). Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from the EBSCO database in the Trident Online Library.
Bunn, R. (2013). Intro to Organizational Behavior. Retrieved from
Chin, D. (n.d.). How to motivate employees using E. A. Locke’s goal-setting theory. Retrieved from
EPM. (2018, October 23). Locke’s goal setting theory of motivation [Video file]. Retrieved from
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory. Retrieved from
Humanmetrics: Jung Typology Test. (2013).
Louis, D. J. (2015). Notes on the job characteristics model.
Motivation and motivation theory. (2015). In Reference for Business: Encyclopedia of Business (2nd ed.) Retrieved from
Theories of Motivation: The Job Characteristics Model (2015). Retrieved from
Credenciales Alternativas TEC (2021). Attitudes and Job Satisfaction/Organizational Commitment. YouTube video.
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