Another issue of our modern-day politics, culture, religion, traditions & social

Another issue of our modern-day politics, culture, religion, traditions & socialization is racism. Many feel that the problems of racism and discrimination have made their way into all facets of life in the United States. What is our responsibility to society, to each other, to our country, to other countries, to people known & unknown…? To be sure, our general concept(s) of racism are foundational for our views of its place in society. For this exam, you will address two questions:
1- What do find to be Kwame Appiah’s strength when discussing extrinsic & intrinsic racism? What do you find to be the weaknesses? Is his overall argument morally persuasive in our dealings with race? Why or why not?
2- What are the merits of Lawrence Blum’s argument? Is racism “overused” in our contemporary understanding of it? How or why not?
There should be 4-5 solid paragraphs of substance, thoughtfulness, and evidence of the reading for each part.

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