Instructions: Your Problem-based Report should identify a problem that emerged

Your Problem-based Report should identify a problem that emerged within the context of your field experience this semester, and it should suggest potential solutions to that problem. In the report, you are asked to draw, in a clear and documented manner, on course readings from this course, as well as from the broader coursework in your degree plan.
MLA formatted (typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font and 1″ margins)
MLA heading – name, instructor, class, date
Page numbers – top right corner. Include last name and p. # starting on p. 1.
4-6 pages in length
Citations from a minimum of 3 sources (BLS 491 textbook, other course texts, credible online sources)
Separate Works Cited page (not counted in 4-6 page requirement
Book: learning through Serving. Second edition. Christine M. Cress, Peter J. Collier, Vicki L. Reitenauer, and associates. The authors. Copyright 2013
Learning Outcome Statement
The learning experience chosen is that of an Owner/Operator of Cosmetology. Listed below are three objectives to be covered.
• Academic learning goals
• Professional development goals
• Personal development goals
I am a licensed owner/operator cosmetologist and have been for over 30 years. Creating extraordinary looks and experiencing the transformation and confidence built in clients is and has always been an inspiration and a source of motivation for me. The career path that I chose molded me into a well-established professional and a pillar in my community.
The academic learning goals I will achieve will enable me to become a greater asset as a business professional and an example to future leaders pursuing the cosmetology career path. Academically I will become even more experienced to educate individuals in theory and practical experience, retaining gainful employment in being an owner/operator of Val’s Hair Gallery, extending my services, knowledge, and experiences to instruct and lead others; and developing effective business relationships with various institutions of cosmetology.
The professional developments I will obtain are the tools and resources to expand upon my current networking channels to reach larger audiences, provide growth opportunities for the progression of my career, provide mentorship and coaching to future business leaders that are pursuing a career in the Cosmetology field or other hospitality industry fields, build upon my interpersonal and communication skills by having the face-to-face interaction with future business leaders in a classroom seminar setting.
Personal development would reinforce the behaviors, character, and interpersonal skills I exhibit daily to colleagues in the Cosmetology industry, building a stronger support village of my vision and mission, and mostly continue being a role model to my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; instilling in them that you establish a plan, execute on the plan, and deliver desired results. To deliver the desired results and achieve my goals and objectives, I will begin by networking with Ms. Tahsha Lee to establish a meeting to propose a business plan for my vision and my mission. Networking with local Owner/Operators of Cosmetology and other small business owners would allow me the opportunity to establish meaningful trusting relationships, provide a model example of a well-established business professional that started over 30 years ago as a student of Cosmetology, be a representation of dedication and perseverance, and stay abreast of trending styles, equipment, and techniques of the younger generation of Cosmetology students. I will also provide networking opportunities utilizing my business premise as a venue to host meetings with another licensed cosmetologist to build the pool of support. Providing the services of what I’m passionate about is purely amazing when you are a part of the transformation that evolves from ordinary to extraordinary. Being a foundation for future leaders will deliver on all 3 of my objectives; academic, professional, and personal goals.
Memorandum of Understanding
Valerie Butler-Sidney
Tahsha J. Lee
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets for the terms and understanding between the
Valerie Butler-Sidney and Tahsha J. Lee to conduct Coaching and Mentoring Seminars for future Community Leaders of Biloxi, MS.
Valerie Butler Sidney is an established Operator/Owner of Val’s Hair Gallery for over 20 years. Actively connected and member of various Civic Organizations along the MS Gulf Coast as well as involved in Northern MS. Tahsha J. Lee is an established business professional being a Certified Peer Support Specialist, trained leadership facilitator, and an extensive background in career development, resume writing, interview etiquette, workforce development, and actively involved in the community with various organizations.
This MOU will promote and host platforms at Val’s Hair Gallery to educate young leaders on business acumen, leadership skills, resume writing and interviewing skills, mental health care, healthy hair care and maintenance, and personal hygiene.
The above goals will be accomplished by undertaking the following activities:
1.) Business Acumen – Establishing and Maintaining Entrepreneurship – Valerie Butler-Sidney
2.) Healthy Hair Care and Maintenance & Personal Hygiene – Valerie Butler-Sidney
3.) Leadership Skills, Resume Writing, Interviewing Etiquette – Tahsha J. Lee
4.) Mental Health Care & Support Channels – Tahsha J. Lee
Valerie Butler-Sidney and Tahsha J. Lee will maintain all records of each seminar held, discussion topics, attendance records, follow up tasks and/or assignments. Bi-Weekly meetings will be held between Valerie Butler-Sidney and Tahsha J. Lee to determine course of actions needed, any follow up tasks or assignments, and discuss areas of opportunities and areas of effectiveness and success.
This MOU is at-will and may be modified by mutual consent of authorized officials from Valerie Butler-Sidney and Tahsha J. Lee. This MOU shall become effective upon signature by the authorized officials of Valerie Butler-Sidney and Tahsha J. Lee and will remain in effect until modified or terminated by any one of the partners by mutual consent. In the absence of mutual agreement with the authorized officials of Valerie Butler-Sidney and Tahsha J. Lee this MOU shall end on the termination of partnership.
Contact Information:
Partner name: Valerie Butler-Sidney
Partner representative: Tahsha J. Lee
Position: Business Professional/Certified Peer Support Specialist
Address:1698 Pass Rd. Ste D Biloxi, MS 39531
Telephone: 228-435-0555
Fax: N/A
(Signature of Student)
(Signature of Supervisor)
(Partner name, organization, position)
(Signature of Instructor)
This is the weely journal where I experienced a problem.
I provided beauty services to clients such as relaxers, cuts, color, makeup and discussed their
preferences and needs to get the desired look. During my spare time. I contacted MGCCC
cosmetology department to speak with the supervisor about completing a memorandum for
Experiential Learning Experience class grade. I was unsuccessful with speaking with the
supervisor, her representative gave me information on how to contact the supervisor, but I have
yet to receive a call or email. After several attempts I received an email stating she no longer
works with the MGCCC.
My personal response to this week′s activities was frustration. My thoughts were time that
would have been spent talking with the supervisor would have been vital. This way I could
explain my hopes, fears, needs and expectations This could have allowed me to provide
direct service and experience that is beneficial to the program. The information that would
have been provided would have given me idea if I would qualify for the position. My
opinion on the correspondence was not tactful. Through this process I have learned, you
have to be humble, patient and never give up on your passion.
A concept examined in our course readings is community partnerships. Experiences are
designed to create a service to the community and work with the students individually and
collectively to meet the community′s needs. When exploring breakdowns, the perceptions and
perspectives of any person in a situation are impacted by several factors, some may have
similarities with others, and some will differ from person to person. Working with the community
partners, I will think about who you are and what I have experienced that impacted how I see the
world. This idea reflects how my class assignments pertain to working in the community and
partnering with the Cosmetology department for future use. When faced with unique
responsibilities, there are agreed-upon goals and values on progress toward accomplishing that
goal. Establishing mutual trust, respect, authenticity, and commitment will go a long way.
Having open and accessible communications earns you the respect you deserve.
As a student you have rights and responsibilities including legal ones to secure that all persons
associated with your partnership may achieve greatest benefit without experience excessive risk
or potential harm. Another responsibility is managing your time and learning to engage with the
community, conversating with others and reflecting on how your work connects to the content of
your course, and political issues, and your own sense of yourself.
(Instructor′s response)
Valerie, I know this plan has fallen through, so would you revisit the learning outcomes with your new direction and submit a revised version for me? I encourage you to do the same with the Memorandum, formalizing your plan to work with the new mentor (if she is willing to assist with the experience).

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