Write a 3-5 page paper that explores the topic, guided by a clear, unified, stro

Write a 3-5 page paper that explores the topic, guided by a clear, unified, strong thesis. You must use at least two secondary sources to help develop and support your argument/analysis; these sources must be cited according to MLA style. All papers should make specific reference to the works we have studied that are relevant to the prompt/topic chosen. These prompts are meant as suggestions for directions one can go and need not be followed to the letter, but rather used as jumping off points for one’s own exploration of the topic.
Equus is in many ways a play about Dysart and his struggle with the normalization processes of society. Write an essay exploring the significance of his struggle and what the play is trying to get us to understand about how beliefs work to limit our potential enjoyment and freedom in life. Questions you may want to address are: Do any of the other course texts deal with this topic and can be used to inform an analysis of the play? (“Annihilation” by Jeff Vandermeer). What does Dr. Dysart realize is the significance of Alan’s worship of Equus? Why does this knowledge cause him to question the legitimacy of his work as a psychiatrist and the benevolence of social norms? How does Alan’s situation correspond in a way to that of Dysart, for example with his use of and disgust for advertising jingles? In the end, what does the play suggest can be done to resist a life led in bland conformity to society’s accepted beliefs?

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