Use this assignment to conduct research for your Individual Writing Assignment.

Use this assignment to conduct research for your Individual Writing Assignment. Identify a peer-reviewed article and write an Annotated Bibliography.
Review the Annotated Bibliography Helpful Hints under Course Home for a properly formatted journal article and requirements.
The length is variable but should be no more than 1 page. Coversheets are not required. Put the APA reference at the top, and then start writing on the next line.Proper APA formatting of the reference itself is important. You should be using all Journal Articles so the format will be the same each time.

Annotated Bibliographies & Scholarly Research
1. To begin honing your research ability this class will require you to conduct scholarly research and create annotated bibliographies. You must summarize a peer-reviewed article in around 1 page or less. Do not copy the Abstract, summarize in your words the key aspects of the article:
1) Who are the authors affiliated with (schools, business, think tank etc),
2) What type of study / research methodology was conducted (quantitative/qualitative; surveys/interviews),
3) Who/what was the population studied (manager/students/employees),
4) What were the authors looking for (what was their purpose in the study),
5) What were the key findings (what did they find/ did they find what they expected),
6) What does this mean for the field of study (so what/who cares), etc.
2. There are generally 2 styles of peer-reviewed articles you will encounter: a) Studies, and b) Literature Reviews. You will cover each of these styles a bit differently. For studies you will want to include all 6 of the items listed in Step 1. For Literature Reviews items 2 and 3 will generally not apply. Instead in these cases you want to discuss the types of literature reviewed and the purpose for that review. Why were the author(s) reviewing past literature and what was it that they found?
3. What is a scholarly article? A scholarly article is respected and peer-reviewed research based on previous researchers’ findings and includes the findings of the new study. Scholars build upon each other to increase the body of literature; opinions do not matter and are not supported. The only thing that counts is that which can be proven and replicated. I recommend this site if you would like additional information:
4. What is a Digital Object Identifier or DOI? The short answer is that a DOI is the digital ID that will remain with that document forever. It is similar to a URL in that you can use it like a URL to get to a webpage, but it is different in that it will never change. The DOI is normally listed on the article. You can also find the DOI by using the webpage: Finally, you can try to Google the name of the article and “doi” and that will normally get a hit. Once you have the DOI, it is included in your entry as “doi: 10.11/XXX”. (Note that the DOI is in lowercase letters.) In the case that the DOI does not exist you must use the JOURNAL’s webpage, not the ProQuest or the UIU library link. If your article is from the Journal of Applied Psychology you would use: “Retrieved from:”.
5. The format for your annotated bibliography can be somewhat fluid. I am providing a sample below. Also, I recommend this site for detailed info:
Bamford-Wade, A., & Moss, C. (2010). Transformational leadership and shared governance: An action study. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(7), 815-821. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01134.x
The authors are nursing faculty members (Auckland University of Technology and Monash University, respectively) who conducted action research to explore how a Director of Nursing (DON) used transformational leadership (TL) principles and shared governance methods to empower nursing staff in order to advance culture change. The authors posited that the use of action research allowed the DON to apply the “Four Is” of TL (idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration) to create an environment where shared governance could exist. They stressed the values-based nature of TL as ideally suited for the nursing profession. Their research made a connection between the lack of power, political naiveté, and resistance to change; as nurses in the study developed more power and political ability, they became active partners in change processes and hospital outcomes improved. The results supported the use of TL as a framework for sustainable change. Study limitations included the potential bias inherent when researchers conduct a study in their place of employment.

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