Minimum word count: 800-1250 (approximately 3 to 5 pages) Content and Organizati

Minimum word count: 800-1250 (approximately 3 to 5 pages)
Content and Organization: Contains an introduction with a compelling thesis, body paragraphs that effectively support the thesis by drawing on credible sources, and a conclusion that demonstrates a synthesis of the main points.
APA format: Title page; Times New Roman, 12-point font; double-spaced; 1-inch margins; running header with shortened title aligned left and page number aligned right.
APA citations: Appropriate in-text citations (APA) throughout the paper when quoting or paraphrasing; a separate reference page with only the sources that you used in the body of the paper.
Provide adequate support for your thesis by citing
at least (2) scholarly references (e.g., empirical study, peer-reviewed journal article, text authored by a psychologist or medical professional)
Additional quotes from your textbook are encouraged
Sources should be published within the last 5 years unless recent research is unavailable or if you are referencing seminal work.
Do not use Wikipedia or an encyclopedia because they are not considered academic sources.
Grammar and Style: Clear and understandable language with no grammar or spelling errors. Effective use of transitions to show logical connections and to improve the flow of the writing.

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