Upload your final reflection here. Your final paper should be in pdf or .doc format and range from 2 to 3 pages. This should not be a restatement of what you told us in your presentation. This is not a summary of your project, but a reflection.
Self-reflection regarding your work in the form of answering open-ended questions helps to elicit insights and to highlight understanding. Therefore, the following questions should be used as guides to ensure you address the full depth and breadth of your project. You do not need to answer every question, but answers to at least one question per stage and the final questions will ensure that you have fully reflected on your work in the course.
tage 1: Articulate the models
Upon reflection, why was your problem worth solving, and how did your understanding of the problem shift from your original understanding?
How do your opposing models demonstrate extremes (how do they work, where/why is there tension) and how do they present something unique?
Who are the key players, and how are they impacted by your model?
Stage 2: Examine the models
What specifically does the tension reveal about the model/problem? For example, the tension between centralization and decentralization might really be a tension between control and agility. (From Highbrow)Links to an external site.
What assumptions did you make or biases did you hold that were called into question? For example, if your choice was between offering a standardized service or a totally customized one, an assumption might be that standardization always drives cost savings. What if that were not true? (From HighbrowLinks to an external site.)
Examining cause and effect allows us to have predictive power when solving problems. Understanding this, which outcomes in your model have the most value? Show a cause-and-effect sketch of how/which forces produced an appropriate outcome.
Stage 3: Explore new possibilities
Why does the final version of your model look/operate the way it does currently? Specifically, explain which approach (integrative pathway) you used to resolve your problem:
Stage 4: Assess the prototypes
What tests have you conducted, or could be conducted, to ensure the solution is the “best” one and can be implemented successfully?
Concretely define how the possibility you chose (from questions 1, 2, or 3 above) enables the model/solution to be the best possible solution: what conditions must be present for it to work, and to be integrated/implemented now; specifically, why will it work?
Final questions to consider
What did you learn about Design Thinking, Systems Thinking and Understanding Data by taking on this project? How does Integrative Thinking represent what you have previously learned in the BIPS Program and what is new?
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