Questions for Writing Assignment: Write a 300+ WORD response to EACH question:

Questions for Writing Assignment: Write a 300+ WORD response to EACH question:

1. (Bartlett, chapter 7) How did the Popes in Rome make use of the Renaissance and why did they feel or have the need to do so? In your response be sure to discuss and analyze specifics from the book.

2. (Bartlett, chapter 8) Bartlett groups together Pisa, Genoa, and Venice as maritime states and treats them in a separate chapter. How might have their maritime lives given the Renaissance a distinct expression in them as compared to that seen in Florence

3. (Bartlett, chapter 11) What were the most noteworthy outcomes or consequences of the crisis into which Italy was plunged during the later Renaissance? In your response be sure to discuss and analyze specifics from the book.

4. (Cole and Folin): The chapter by Cole and the chapter by Folin address a similar subject. How do their interpretations of it compare? Be sure your response focuses on what they believe to be historically significant and how the subject of their chapters connects to the Renaissance. In your response be sure to discuss and analyze specifics from their chapters.

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