Your XYZ hypothetical company is thinking of global expansion. XYZ’s characteris

Your XYZ hypothetical company is thinking of global expansion. XYZ’s characteristics will determine the expansion strategy. For example, Walmart trying to open more shops in other countries are different than an IT company trying to open offshore development centers or Intel trying to open R&D centers abroad.
Your proposal will include the following (maximum five pages). So choose wisely.
Note that the company plans to expand globally. But the decision about where to expand has yet to be taken. That is where your proposed work and subsequent steps will come in. You will analyze and recommend where to expand based on data analysis, not hunch or gut feelings. The decision may be taken based on your recommendations. Thus, the proposal will focus on what you think as the aspects/factors that should be considered for the specific expansion (i.e., more shops, centers, or offshore) project and what or how these factors justify the proposed analysis and recommendations you will carry out.
At the proposal stage, the country indicators you will choose are important, NOT the countries for expansion–which will result from your future analysis.
Once you have already completed the analysis for the Global Expansion for XYZ hypothetical company. You have used Tableau extensively for this analysis. Now you will submit the report to the ‘top management’ so they can act on this further. They do not want ‘any gut feelings’ or ‘I feel so’ statements’ in your report. All that you recommend has to be validated by your analyses.
In your report, you also have to provide the following elements (already mentioned in the proposal, but you may refine those again)
Company descriiption, propose/objective of this analysis and report (of your information-based decision-making project), importance, what can be achieved, and the three decisions from your analysis that will help structure this expansion process or project.
You will also describe how you did the analysis using Tableau to enable the decision-making process, what information from the company and about the countries you used, and any other validations that you did.
Finally, you will discuss and conclude your report.
Follow the following template for the report. You may provide sub-sections as you feel appropriate in each section. Note that the report has to be short, within ten pages, as mentioned in the instructions. However, you can add several appendixes to demonstrate your analysis. In the report’s introduction, you may summarize the analysis and recommendations; so the reader gets it from the beginning. Good writing and report presentation are also critical, along with excellent analysis. I am sure all of you will do an excellent job in that.
Report Template
Introduction, About the Company, and Scenario Descriiption (Max 1 page, 10 points)
Similar or more details than what you have provided in the proposal
The objective (of your information-based decision-making project) (max two pages, 10 points)
Similar or more details than what you have provided in the proposal
Methodology (maximum two pages, 30 points)
More improved than what was in the proposal, including how you did the analysis
Results and recommendations (Max 3-4 pages, 40 points)
This part is essential; at least three good recommendations derived from your analysis are needed here. Provide visualization screenshots here. If you need more pages, add appendixes.
Discussion/Conclusion (one page, 10 points)
As a professional document, the proposal should be written in single-spaced times new roman 11-point font, with 1-inch margins.
The maximum five pages and section/sub-section page limits are indicative, not mandatory. However, try NOT to exceed much.
Writing: Iterate your writing. Be professional—crisp and concise points. The proposal write-up should be in paragraphs. Use bullet points only when it is necessary.
All other clauses, such as about writing, plagiarism, etc, are applied as usual. Much of which you already know while doing the case analysis assignments.

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