Navigating the challenges of leadership requires not only knowledge of the healt

Navigating the challenges of leadership requires not only knowledge of the health care organizations and systems that impact decision-making, doing so effectively is a testament to your interpersonal effectiveness and ability to communicate with a wide range of personnel and managers who each have a stake in decisions. The presence of often opposing viewpoints sets the stage for conflict as each side defends the interests of their group or organization. Honing the skills of conflict management is essential experience for effective leaders.
Part 1: Professional Strategies
Write a 350- to 525-word reflection on what you learned about communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution strategies during your group discussion. In your reflection, consider the following:
Did you change your mind about what strategy would work best to address your chosen challenge?
What were some of the common themes in the strategies presented and discussed by your group?
If you were the leader of a health care facility, and you received each of these proposals from your staff, which would you be the most likely to implement, and why? What about least likely?
Part 2: Personal Strategies
Write a 350- to 525-word reflection on what you learned about your own communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills during your group project.
Include the following:
What areas do you feel you need to focus on to make yourself a stronger and more effective leader?
What did you perceive as your biggest challenges in working with the group? Was there any conflict? If so, how was it handled? If not, how was it avoided? What can you glean from that to make future teamwork more effective?
Within the areas of growth opportunity you identified for yourself, which can you put into practice immediately?
Cite any sources to support your assignment.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines

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