Warm-Up Activity 5.1: How to Write a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Handout
An FAQ, or Frequently Asked Questions, handout focuses on key information that is of interest or concern to the reader. The FAQ may explain products to a business customer, provide after-care instructions to a patient, or share after-school program services with families, for example.
Regardless of the topic, all FAQs share several common traits.
Most importantly, an FAQ is designed to address the most common questions that have come up or that could come up. Depending on the topic, an FAQ will cover between 5 and 10 most commonly asked questions.
FAQs need to be written concisely. Although course assignments may require a word or page count, it is still important to present the information in a clear and understandable manner. Any technical terms need to be defined and explained. Information, including statistics, needs to be properly cited and referenced.
FAQs are written in an active voice. As a writer, you want to ask yourself in reviewing your information if it makes sense to someone unfamiliar with the topic.
Additional resources typically are included at the end of the FAQ, directing the reader to web sites, agencies, organizations and even articles that can provide more information on the topic.
For this task, prepare a FAQ suitable for school counselor working with high school seniors explaining the advantage of using both vocational interest and aptitude testing.
Specifically, you will need to address the following
What is a vocational interest test?
What is a vocational aptitude test?
What advantage is there to using both?
Which of these test options would be more beneficial for career exploration to students, such as minorities, immigrants, or special needs populations, whose communities do not have diverse occupational role models? Support your argument with at least one source from a peer reviewed journal.
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