For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service ann

For this assignment, you will create your own original PSA. A public service announcement (PSA) informs us about something important, and the purpose of a PSA is to benefit the public by raising awareness about an issue or topic.
This unit has been about love, so this assignment will involve the same.  What issue are you especially passionate about and would love to see change?  What issue would you be willing to devote your life to out of great depths of love? 
First, choose your topic.
Second, research your topic.
Third, create your PSA slide.  This slide needs comprehensive depth and detail!  This slide should provide a full stand-alone message.
Fourth, compose the paragraph.  This slide contains additional specific detail related to the PSA on slide 1.
Fifth, create the works cited slide for all sources used including image(s). 
If you need to use your 2nd attempt, please try NOT to create a brand new message, but rather fix the content from the 1st attempt.
Your PSA should:
Include a “hook” that grabs the viewer’s attention.
Use font and color choices wisely and purposefully.  For example, bold font can emphasize key points.
Be in Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF file format and not hand drawn/created.  If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint, download the free OpenOffice software here:  You must save the OpenOffice file though as a PDF file format.  The saving to PDF option is located in the toolbar and looks like a piece of paper with the letters PDF in red and white.
Contain 1 related image and at least 1 credible source for information.
Have no mechanical errors.
Sources credited in MLA format.  Use the CRAAP Tool  to evaluate source credibility.
Slide 1 of your document will contain the PSA with the image(s) and sufficient text depth and detail. 
Slide 2 of your document will contain your paragraph of 7 sentences that explains the issue and why this is a topic that is important for the world to understand.

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