Overview For this assignment, you will need to select a word that you must use i

For this assignment, you will need to select a word that you must use in combination with your name to create a mnemonic device.
Mnemonic Device Overview Video
Assignment Instructions
Design: You will select a word to use in combination with your name to create a mnemonic device. You may use your first name, your last name, or your initials. The image must be simple, but a memorable combination of the selected word and your name.

 Alliteration is a great way to create a memorable mnemonic device with your name. Above, Dylan paired donuts with his name. He physically created the donut with sugar letters, then took an image of the object for his design. He added the colors behind in an image editing program, and the result is a very memorable mnemonic device, that to this day reminds me of Dylan.
Written Companion: You will include a designer’s written companion that explains the process you used in your design and the principles and strategies that you used. Identify and explain 3-6 principles from module 2 to describe your design. Don’t forget to describe the mnemonic device!
Some brands use acronyms with an image/design to help push the brand’s identity and help the audience remember the name and important concepts.
Here, P.U.S.H stands for Power, Unleash, Strength, and Heart. The image tells the story of PUSH and the mnemonic device helps the viewer important brand points.
Try turning your initials into a Mnemonic device and an image that tells your story!
Common Errors and Warnings
Chunking: Do not create long or lengthy texts with your image. Chunk out the memorable mnemonic device to a simple one or two-word device, and keep it lower on the readability scale, we want to appeal to many people!
Layer Meaning: Choose images and text that have layered meanings: If your device is Peter Planting, consider how Plant is both an object and a verb, to plant your feet. This double meaning makes the mnemonic device stronger, and more memorable. Highlight both Peter, and plant, by planting his feet into the ground, and leafy green plants sprouting from his legs!
Simplify: Don’t create overly ornate typefaces with ornate and complex images with complex copy, (your wordcraft). Instead, simplify your images to Icons, and symbols, and contained stripped-down images. Say a lot with little, Simplicity!.
Use searched images!: There are no restrictions on where you find images for this assignment, search icons, design your own, and add text. Just don’t steal an already existing Mnemonic device or logo, that is plagiarism and copyright infringement.
Submission Instructions and GradingSubmit your rough draft to the Rough Draft: Mnemonic Device Doc.Links to an external site.
This rough draft is worth 5 points.

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