Oita airport has been in operation for several years and it is beginning to expe

Oita airport has been in operation for several years and it is beginning to experience flight congestions. A study of airport operations revealed that planes arrive at an average rate of 12 per hour with a poisson distribution. On the single runway a plane can land and be cleared every 4 minutes on average, and service times have a negative exponential distribution. Planes waiting to land are asked to circle the airport and can land on a first come first serve basis.
a) What is the expected number of airplanes circling the airport, waiting in queue for clearance to land?
b) A new radar system is being considered as a means to reducing congestion. Under the new system planes can be processed at a rate of 17 per hour. Under the leasing contract, the new system cost the airport 100$ per hour. Assume that the cost of keeping an airplane in the air is $70 per hour, is the leasing of the new radar system recommended?

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