Writing a paper about stress is up to us but it should be about stress like choo

Writing a paper about stress is up to us but it should be about stress like choosing something related to stress and how burnout students can or something related to this. rubric is attached and it should be APA style.
Term Paper
Using Peer reviewed journals, trade journals, and periodicals, discuss an aspect of EMS that interests the student. You should have a minimum of 5 sources in total. Three references must be from academic, peer-reviewed journals.
Two references may be trade journals, news articles, or personal interviews. DO NOT use public web pages such as wikis. Invalid references will not be counted and will reduce points.• The paper is to be a minimum of 3 (excluding bibliography, title page, abstract, etc.) and a maximum of 10 double-spaced pages in length using APA format.
Title pages do notcount toward this total length.• The topic of your paper is up to you. However, the topic must involve something relatedto stress.• If you would like approval of research paper topics, please feel free to email me.
The rubric for the paper can be found at the end of this syllabus.•
It is IMPERATIVE that students adhere to accepted practices when writing a scholarly paper. This includes proper tense, grammatical structure, and documentation concomitant with the chosen documentation style. Assistance with the paper may be found in the writing center
.Term Paper Reminders:• MUST BE original work (cannot be a paper from a previous class)• Paper must be in APA format (This includes proper headings, abstract, title page, etc.)o Please visit the writing center in the library or reference the following website forhelp with APA formatting.https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html• Can be on any topic related to stress• 7 pages max, 3 pages minimum excluding title page, abstract, etc.•
Must have at minimum 5 sources (3 Peer-Reviewed, 2 Non-Peer Reviewed)• Typed (Double spaced and in Times New Roman font)•
Bibliography in APA style• MUST be turned in via Blackboard in either a doc. or pdf. format. NO emails or hardcopies will be accepted.• Must be neat, original, well-referenced, informative, specific, creative, and respectful ofthe intellectual property rights of others.

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