800-1000 word essay Provide an introduction which leads to your thesis, two bod

800-1000 word essay
Provide an introduction which leads to your thesis, two body paragraphs and
a concluding paragraph.
2. Point of View: First person voice is acceptable. Do not use second-
3. In the reflective essay, you need to consider and reflect on all the writing
you have done for this course: Discussion Boards and Essays
4. Look at all of your writings in this course, particularly the processes and
methods you used to create, draft, and revise your essays. Analyze your
learning process. Do not simply summarize your semester.
5. In this essay, you will reflect upon all of your writing techniques, learning
processes, analytical skills, and citation usage.
6. This essay is your opportunity to think about, discover and describe your
own writing process, the finished product, and your progress as a writer so
far during the course.
7. What have you learned about yourself in this course regarding writing?
8. No citations will be required.
9. Essay heading will still be required .
10.Consider the following questions as you begin to think about your essay
What do you still need to learn about writing?
 What new approaches to writing have you discovered?
 Describe your progress through one writing assignment (name which one).
What steps do you normally take? What steps will you continue to use
outside of this course?
 Of course, you do not have to answer all these questions in this essay. Focus
on any one or two of the questions.

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