As per the attached file and below descriiption, you shall create a marketing plan for a brand from your creation.
This project is located in Saudi Arabia
In groups of two to three students, you need to develop a new and innovative idea, utilizing the theoretical material you have covered during the course.
Please write a business report proposing your idea to the Board of Directors of the organization.
It is important to clearly specify the contribution of all group members within the report.
Project Descriiption
As a group, you will have to prepare a development plan for a brand in a market of your choosing.
The rationale for the project is:
• To get you to collect an information base that provides the foundation for a brand strategy.
• To allow you to generate options for branding, rather than seizing on the first good idea that comes to mind.
• To encourage you to encapsulate the brand essence in your product-market by building on a selected positioning that meets customer needs and allows for the market environment.
• To elicit your ideas as to how the brand could be credibly supported so that it resonates with its target market, and
• To get you to reflect on the process of going through the major stages of the branding process, thinking about what you have learned, where it can be applied, and what could be done better.
Instructions for Brand Management Group Project:
Group Formation:
• Form groups of 2-3 students.
• Choose a group leader to facilitate communication and coordinate tasks.
Brand Selection:
• Select a brand for the project. The brand could be a new, proposed one. • Ensure that all group members agree on the brand choice.
Project Timeline:
• Set a timeline for completing the project, including deadlines for each phase. • Allocate sufficient time for research, analysis, planning, and implementation.
Project Components:
The group project should include the following components:
A. Introduction:
• Provide an overview of the chosen brand, its relevance, and objectives.
B. Brand Analysis:
• Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the brand, including SWOT analysis.
C. Brand Identity:
• Evaluate the brand’s visual identity elements and propose improvements if
D. Brand Communication:
• Analyse the brand’s communication channels and propose strategies for improvement.
• Explore the integration of marketing communications to enhance brand equity.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the brand’s current marketing communications efforts.
• Propose innovative strategies to further build brand equity through integrated
marketing communications.
E. Brand Experience:
• Assess the brand’s customer experience and propose strategies for enhancement.
F. Measuring Sources of Brand Equity: Capturing Customer Mind-Set:
• Discuss the importance of measuring and capturing customer mind-set in evaluating brand equity.
• Propose methods and metrics to measure the various sources of brand equity for the chosen brand.
G. Brand Extension:
• Identify potential opportunities for brand extension and develop a launch plan.
H. Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity:
• Develop strategies to grow and sustain the brand’s equity in the long term.
• Explore avenues for brand extension, collaborations, or other initiatives to expand
the brand’s reach.
I. Brand Management Strategy:
• Develop a comprehensive brand management strategy aligned with the brand’s goals.
J. Implementation Plan:
• Create a detailed plan for implementing the proposed strategies.
K. Evaluation and Metrics:
• Define KPIs and develop a plan for monitoring and evaluating the brand’s performance.
L. Conclusion:
• Summarize key findings, recommendations, and limitations.
Suggested format for your report.
To ensure adequate coverage of the topic the following format is suggested for your report: (refer to the attache document)
The team will then write a report that is no longer than 10 pages of texts and exhibits.
Please note that your work will be checked for plagiarism. Any plagiarism above 15% will result in marks being deducted for the whole group.
-Content Knowledge: Demonstrates a deep understanding of the brand management concepts and effectively applies them
-Analysis and Critical Thinking: Presents a comprehensive and insightful analysis, supported by well-reasoned arguments and evidence.
-Creativity and Innovation: Demonstrates exceptional creativity and innovative thinking in proposing ideas and strategies.
-Organization and Structure: Presents a well- structured and organized project with clear and coherent flow of ideas.
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