Topic- The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?
To answer the prompt I want you to write how English is my third language. Hebrew and Russian are first.
Must be a 12th grade student level
Not high vocabulary please
5 pharagraph
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The Lessons We Learn from Challenges
Learning a new language is never easy, and for me, English was my third language. I grew up speaking Hebrew and Russian at home, and when I started learning English, I struggled a lot. At first, I felt frustrated and even embarrassed when I couldn’t express myself clearly. However, this challenge taught me patience, perseverance, and the importance of stepping outside my comfort zone.
One of the hardest parts of learning English was in school. I often felt left out during class discussions because I couldn’t find the right words fast enough. Reading and writing were also difficult, especially when it came to grammar. I remember failing my first big English essay because I misunderstood the assignment. That failure made me feel like I would never be good at the language.
Instead of giving up, I decided to work harder. I practiced every day by reading books, watching movies with subtitles, and speaking with classmates. I asked teachers for extra help and started writing in a journal to improve my grammar. Slowly, I began to feel more confident. The more I practiced, the better I became, and I even started enjoying reading and writing in English.
Over time, my efforts paid off. I started participating more in class and even helped other students who were struggling with writing. The experience taught me that challenges can be overcome with persistence. It also showed me that making mistakes is part of learning, and instead of being afraid of failure, I should use it as motivation to improve.
Looking back, I am grateful for the struggle of learning English. It shaped me into a more determined and resilient person. Now, I don’t just see English as a subject in school—I see it as a skill that has opened doors for me. This challenge taught me that success comes from hard work, and no obstacle is too big if you keep trying.
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