This is a class lecture from Experimental Psychology covering research methods, including experiments and causation. (Links to an external site.)
This You Tube video also reviews cause and effect. Watch this and read the pdf.
As you may recall from Experimental Psychology (watch the Module 3 Videos for a refresher), in order to show that one thing causes another (a “true experiment”), you have to actively manipulate the independent variable (the cause), neutralize confounding variables (other things that might have the same affect as the IV), and then see the effect on the dependent variable.
For this Module 3 DQ, bring us a true experiment that showed cause and effect. You can use any resource you want – the Touro online library might help, or you may already know of a good experiment. You should provide a copy with your answer (e.g. attach a PDF or link to a website). In any case, describe the research in enough detail to explain how they demonstrated cause and effect.
Make up a true experiment that shows cause and effect. It doesn’t need to be fancy/complex, what I’m looking for is that you can design an experiment that reasonably shows that one thing causes another. Be sure to identify and explain your independent variable (IV), dependent variable (DV), a potential confounding variable (CV), and give your research and null hypotheses.
Experimental Psychology: Designing a True Experiment to Demonstrate Causation
Understanding true experiments is fundamental in experimental psychology. A true experiment requires:
- Manipulation of the Independent Variable (IV)
- Control of Confounding Variables (CVs)
- Measurement of the Dependent Variable (DV)
For this discussion, you are required to:
- Find and describe a real experiment that demonstrates causation (attach a PDF or link).
- Design your own experiment to show a cause-and-effect relationship, including IV, DV, CVs, and hypotheses.
Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!
Step 1: Find a True Experiment and Explain It
- Search for a psychology experiment that manipulates an IV and measures its effect on a DV.
- Summarize the study:
- What was the IV? (What did researchers manipulate?)
- What was the DV? (What did they measure?)
- How did they control for confounding variables?
- What was the conclusion? (How did they show cause and effect?)
- Provide a source (PDF, website link, or reference).
Step 2: Design Your Own True Experiment
Follow this structure to ensure a well-organized response:
Title of Your Experiment
- Example: The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Test Performance
Introduction & Research Question
- Briefly explain the purpose of your experiment.
- Example: Does reduced sleep cause lower test scores in college students?
- Research Hypothesis (H1): Students who get only 4 hours of sleep will score lower on a math test than those who get 8 hours of sleep.
- Null Hypothesis (H0): There will be no difference in test scores between students who get 4 hours of sleep and those who get 8 hours of sleep.
Independent Variable (IV)
- The cause you manipulate.
- Example: Number of hours of sleep (4 hours vs. 8 hours).
Dependent Variable (DV)
- The effect you measure.
- Example: Test scores on a standardized math exam.
Confounding Variables (CVs) and How to Control Them
- Example of CV: Some students may naturally perform better on math tests.
- How to control it: Randomly assign participants to sleep conditions.
Method (Experimental Design)
- Participants: 50 college students, randomly assigned to two sleep conditions.
- Procedure:
- Group A sleeps 4 hours; Group B sleeps 8 hours.
- Both groups take the same standardized math test in the morning.
- Compare average test scores between groups.
Expected Results & Conclusion
- If Group A scores significantly lower, it supports the hypothesis that sleep deprivation causes lower test performance.
Final Steps
- Review and proofread your work.
- Attach the real experiment’s source (PDF/link).
- Use APA format if required.
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