Briefly Describe Your Clinical Learning Experience:

Reflection journal:
• Complete a reflection journal and submit to your faculty (or as directed) within 24 hours of completing your clinical learning experience. Reflective journaling provides a format to share your knowledge, skills, experiences and personal reflection related to concepts and strategies learned throughout your program. What could you or did you delegate and to whom? Include ways you plan to care for yourself throughout your program. The reflection journal is required to be a typed Word document, Times New Roman 12-point font and minimum of one page and no more than three pages.
2. Transportation and housing are drivers of health and equity. Describe the steps you would take as a nurse to evaluate
transportation and housing for your identified community population and what actions you could perform to identify resources.

3. How can nurses be change agents and advocate for their community? Provide at least two specific examples.

Struggling with where to start this assignment? Follow this guide to tackle your assignment easily!

Step-by-Step Guide to Structuring and Writing Your Reflection Journal

  1. Introduction – Briefly Describe Your Clinical Learning Experience:

    • Start by providing a brief overview of your clinical experience. Where did you complete it, and what kind of setting was it? What were some key aspects of the experience that stood out to you? This introduction will set the stage for your reflection and give context to your journal.
  2. Reflection on Delegation:

    • Reflect on the tasks or responsibilities that you delegated during your clinical experience. Who did you delegate to, and why? Were you able to trust the person you delegated to? Consider both successes and challenges related to delegation. Did you learn anything new about leadership or team dynamics?
    • Include personal insights on how delegation can impact patient care and team workflow.
  3. Personal Reflection – Self-Care Plan:

    • Discuss how you plan to care for yourself throughout your program. Being in healthcare is physically and emotionally demanding, so self-care is vital. What strategies or activities will you incorporate into your routine to ensure your well-being, like exercise, mindfulness, or time for family and friends?
    • Be honest and specific. This is not just about how you plan to manage stress but also how you will balance your academic and clinical responsibilities.
  4. Transportation and Housing as Drivers of Health and Equity:

    • Reflect on the role that transportation and housing play in the health and equity of the community you are serving. Consider what steps you, as a nurse, could take to evaluate these factors for a specific community population. This could include gathering data on how transportation barriers affect healthcare access, or how inadequate housing contributes to health problems.
    • Think about what actions you could take to identify resources for your patients. For instance, you could connect patients with local social services, advocate for better public transportation options, or refer patients to affordable housing programs.
  5. Nurses as Change Agents and Advocates:

    • Reflect on the role of nurses as change agents. How can nurses advocate for their community? Consider two specific examples:
      • Example 1: Nurses advocating for improved healthcare access, such as working to establish community clinics or supporting health education programs.
      • Example 2: Nurses advocating for policy changes, like lobbying for better healthcare funding or addressing social determinants of health.
    • In both examples, be sure to describe specific actions a nurse might take and how this advocacy could lead to positive change for the community.
  6. Conclusion – Summarize Key Insights:

    • Close your reflection by summarizing the most important lessons learned from your clinical experience, self-care plan, and your understanding of the roles transportation, housing, and advocacy play in nursing. Reflect on how your thinking has evolved and how you will apply these insights moving forward.

By following these steps, you’ll have a well-organized and thoughtful reflection journal that covers both your personal experiences and professional insights. Remember, the purpose of reflective journaling is to demonstrate growth, so be honest and open about your journey.

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