APA FORMAT 300 words with References and citations  Welcome to Week 4. Your cha

APA FORMAT 300 words with References and citations 
Welcome to Week 4. Your chapter reading for Week 4 is Chapter 4 from Marketing 5.0 titled, Digital Divide: Making Tech Personal. Social, and Experiential.
Your written assignment should be between 200 – 300 words, well thought-out and it should address the question in its entirety.
Here is your discussion question for Week 4:
In the list below, you will find Positive aspects of digitalization called PROS, and Negative aspects called CONS. Choose 3 PROS and 3 CONS from the list and describe how digitalization impacts them. Feel free to use Internet research to help you answer the question.PROS:
Digital economy and wealth creation
Big data and lifelong learning
Smart living
Improved wellness life extension
Sustainability and social inclusivity
Automation and loss of jobs
Trust and fear of the unknown
Privacy and security concerns
Post-truth and misinformation era
Digital life-style and behavioral side effects

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