Your response should be 2 pages long, double-spaced, standard margins, 12-point

Your response should be 2 pages long, double-spaced, standard margins, 12-point type, any standard font. The writing should be in proper essay form and written in complete sentences.
1. For What is The Visual Culture of Medicine? : Find an image from the internet that deals with sickness, healing, or medicine (insert an image
into paper and include as much available basic information about where you found the image, who is the artist/creator, what is the medium, date, etc…).
a. How does the artist/creator effectively use the artistic media (colors, shapes, lines composition, visual effects, etc….) to educate or make an impression on the
– Please answer part A in as detailed and thorough a manner as you can, e.g. Don’t just say “It’s colorful;” name all the colors and where they appear and how they interact, etc… Do the same with every other visual element in the image.
b. What would you say is the “tone,” character, or purpose of the image and its message, i.e. Is it meant to be artistic, educational, informative, humorous, emotional, etc…? Is it graphic, pointed, or strong? Or softly thoughtful and persuasive?

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